
Hard Drive Benchmarks

Over 1,000,000 Hard Drives Benchmarked

Top Disk - Random Seek Read Write (IOPS 32KQD20) Chart

This chart shows the top 200 Random Seek Read/Write drives is made using thousands of PerformanceTest benchmark and is updated daily. The results are an average of all submissions for the model shown. The chart contains drives from many of the major manufacturers such as Seagate, Western Digital (WDC), Hitachi and Samsung.

For the Random Seek Read/Write test, a large test file is created on the disk under test. The file is read randomly; a seek is performed to move the file pointer to a random position in the file, a 32KB block is read or written then another seek is performed using a queue depth of 20. The amount of data actually transferred is highly dependent on the disk seek time. [ Read More ]

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PassMark - Random Seek Read/Write
Top 200 Disk Performers
Price (USD)
* - Last price seen from our affiliates.